Webb was one of several “independent” low-budget serial producers who attempted to compete with Mascot and Universal during the early sound era (he’d directed several Mascot entries himself during the silent era) in 1931 he turned out a pair of chapterplays under different company imprints, but with the same basic production crew. Logan and the Holts soon join forces to search for the map and the gold mine, but must continually battle the henchmen of smuggler and trading-post proprietor Jean Gregg (Al Ferguson), who wants the mine for himself in this fight with Gregg’s gang, they’re aided by Red Eagle, a sagacious wild stallion named White Cloud, and the Holts’ cloaked and enigmatic benefactor, The Mystery Trooper. Many years later, one-half of a map showing the mine’s location comes into the possession of Jack Logan (Robert Frazer), Romero’s nephew hoping to find either the map’s second half or the lost mine itself, Logan heads north–where he encounters Holt’s children Helen (Blanche Mehaffey) and Billy (Buzz Barton), who’ve been raised by the kindly Indian Red Eagle (William Bertram) after the loss of their father, and have been financially supported by an unknown benefactor who regularly but mysteriously provides them with gold nuggets. Prospectors Frank Holt and George Romero discover an ancient Indian gold mine in the Canadian northwoods–but a quarrel between the two men leads to a cave-in that buries both them and the mine.

Starring Robert Frazer, Blanche Mehaffey, Buzz Barton, Al Ferguson, Charles King, William Bertram, and White Cloud.
The Files of Jerry Blake Movie Serial Reviews and Other Cliffhanging Material